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Ant-bed, mixed-media installation, 2019

         The title "Ant-bed" aims to use ants as a metaphor of humans - the same working principle behind the social system, as well as the same small and 'united' individual beings. An ant-bed, in its original way, is built and maintained by legions of worker ants into a simple form that builds up at the entrances of ant colonies. In some species, they actively sculpt the materials into specific shapes. In this piece, the figures shape their ant-bed into forms of furniture, the consumed everyday product, as they attach themselves to the form as a mutualistic symbiosis. 


         Through the intertwined organic-looked sculptures, this work attempts to present this symbiotic relationship between human individualities and the capitalist production system, and further question where it goes as the human is being produced into the same form and consumed in this capitalist society. 

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(Detail) Ant-bed, mixed-media installation, 2019

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(Detail) Ant-bed, mixed-media installation, 2019

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(Detail) Ant-bed, mixed-media installation, 2019

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(Detail) Ant-bed, mixed-media installation, 2019

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